Wednesday, July 11, 2007

When deciding to make a custom piece of jewelry, the designer will have to decide on what stones will be included. Many times the customer will already have certain types of stones in mind to complete the piece or at least for the primary settings if there will be multiple stones. But if not, the designer, or more likely… the customer, will have to make a very personal choice. This is one of the aspects of custom jewelry design that helps make the finished piece unique or special.

To make matters simple, we suggest choosing your main settings first and then brainstorming around that. Simple accent diamonds may be all you need to finish the piece or perhaps your main setting is a diamond and you’d like to accent it with emeralds, sapphires, or some other colored gem or gems. Either way, make the big decision first and then fill in the blanks afterwards.

At we tell our clients to go with their heart and choose the stones they feel would look best. Just as we tell them to choose the emerald they like best when faced with decisions on color variations, clarity, and all the factors that come into play when choosing an emerald. In the end, it’s what the customer wants or fancies most that matters.

Colombian Emeralds from Embassy Emeralds

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