Thursday, August 9, 2007

Custom Jewelry - A Personal Tale

Before getting involved in the gem business, the first thing that came to mind when I heard the words custom jewelry mentioned was my first real love. I was in the military at the time, stationed in Japan for 3 years and I dated a lovely Japanese girl for most of my time there. She was a special girl who truly loved me to the point that it often made me feel unworthy to be so lucky. Because of the nature of my job, I deployed to other countries several times a year, usually for weeks or months at a time. It was difficult for us, but especially for her, as she had to imagine what danger I might be in because of my work or what temptations might be out there to test our relationship in exotic places like Bangkok or Singapore.

On this particular deployment, I was going to Turkey for about 7 weeks and it just wasn’t a good time for us to be apart that long. Our goodbye was tough, so I wanted to get her something special while I was away to show her how much I was missing her. I had been to Turkey before and knew that the goldsmiths there could make just about anything, so I brought along a textbook from my Japanese class that had examples of the Japanese characters that I needed to make a personalized bracelet for my Yumiko. It only took a week for it to be made, but it turned out great. Three gold medallions with Japanese characters on them linked together to spell her name and a lovely gold chain to bring it all together.

To make a long story short, I returned back to Japan and of course she cried when I presented her with the bracelet. It was perfect and it brought us close after being apart for so long. That is until a few months later when she tossed it in the ocean, but that’s another story.

The point is that custom jewelry is truly special and conveys magnitudes of sentiment more than something you pick out of store window or jewelry counter. If you’ve never given or received custom jewelry, you’ll be amazed at what it means to you, even if you’re the one giving it or just making it for yourself.

Embassy Emeralds - Nothing Greens Greener

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